Based on preliminary information received, we (again) correctly predicted 4 out of 5 subjects on the October 2020 California Bar Exam. We also correctly predicted 4 out of 5 subjects on the July 2019 and February 2020 California Bar Exams, respectively. Since July 2017, the California Bar Exam has changed its examination format to five essays and one performance test. We have said this many times before – be ready for crossover essays. Crossovers are being tested more frequently now that the examination has changed its format.
We’ve said this before and we’ll say it again: Study Professional Responsibility! Study all past essays and all PR rule statements in detail so that you can compensate for other lower scoring essays.
Here are Cal Bar Bible’s predictions for the February 2021 California Bar Exam:
1. Professional Responsibility
2. Community Property with Wills and/or Trusts Crossover
3. Evidence
4. Constitutional Law
5. Torts
*Wild card: Civil Procedure
The February 2020 California Bar Exam Pass Rate fell to an all-time low of 26.8% (1,128 people) that passed the General Bar Exam. The mean scaled Multistate Bar Examination score on the February 2020 bar exam in California was 1357, down from 1370 last year. The national mean score was 1326, down from the previous year’s mean of 1328 and an all-time low.
We have spent the last few years working with California Bar Exam repeaters, which provided us with great insight into the crux of the problem: Why is it so difficult to pass the CA bar exam? Focusing only on the essay writing component of the exam, we discovered a number of issues, but overall, it came down to 1) understanding the information, 2) retaining the information, 3) regurgitating the information, and 4) applying the information. All of which are essential to pass the California bar exam.
As a result, we have compiled a guide that will help overcome barriers faced by all bar takers – whether it’s your first time taking the exam, or you are a repeater, our Cal Bar Bible materials (only $199) include all subjects tested on the California Bar Exam. Each CBB subject copy includes an essay checklist, simplified and easy to memorize rule statements, condensed study sheets, essay templates, essay cheat sheets, outlines, hot topics, essay tracking, MBE tips, issue spotting, mnemonics, and much more to help you pass the formidable CA Bar Exam. Our reviews speak for themselves so feel free to checkout a sample of a CBB copy on Civil Procedure here.
