Today officially marks 30 days until the July 2019 California bar exam! At this point, you should have you daily study schedule locked down. In order to assist in this process, we are introducing our 30 day study schedule for the upcoming July 2019 California Bar Exam.
Here is what we recommend: your daily morning routine should include approximately 20-25 MBE questions. You should study at least 2 subjects per day. You should write and review Performance Tests on the weekends as necessary. You should be going through essays to issue spot and review. You should be going through your checklists for each corresponding subject. Repeat this process.
At this point, don’t waste time adding to your “outlines” and begin memorization of the rule statements. Your priority for the last 30 days is primarily to memorize and practice issue spotting essays.
Based on this fundamental understanding, we are introducing our study schedule for the remaining 30 days before the July 2019 California Bar Exam. We have carefully paired subjects and exposure to various subjects for the next 30 days. The key is to prioritize your weaker subjects and include them more frequently in your study schedule.
CBB’s subjects were strategically picked for maximum retention and efficiency.
Individual subject exposure 4 times. Weak subject exposure 11 times. Professional Responsibility exposure 8 times. Remedies exposure 8 times. Performance test exposure 4 times. Adjust as necessary.
